Make A Difference – Make It Fun


David sends a message to the world’s young environmentalists.  Kids are learning more about our environment and what it needs everyday. We will probably learn more from them about what are world needs and how we can heal it. They are smarter than we give them credit for, listen to what they are saying. We believe it’s vital to involve as many young people as we can. We know they care about the Earth and their communities. We also know that given the chance, they have strong opinions and clear ideas about how to fix the problems.

Abbie Barnes, a young filmmaker from the UK, takes it upon herself to educate her community and generation on sustainable living and the importance of nature. Abbie shares in her own words what inspired her to start making films, and how she feels we must act now to protect the environment so we will all have a future.

message from the kids


The kids have spoken! “If we don’t come together and help, than we might not have a tomorrow.” We talked to kids in classrooms and camps all across America who are taking huge steps to make a difference in the health of our environment. They know what the future holds if we don’t act now to change the way we care for the Earth. Remember, we don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

Planting trees

Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife.  Planting trees in your neighborhood really is one of the best things you can do for the local environment and for the planet. It’s no secret that trees help the environment, but you may be surprised by all the benefits that planting trees can provide. Besides producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide and contaminants from the air, trees have many other social, economic, and environmental benefits.


Kids and their families are joining a growing movement of people passionate about protecting animals. Members get exclusive freebies, a membership card and fun missions that will help them protect the environment. Find out more about becoming an Earth Ranger.

The 3 Words that start with the letter R

Hello I am the Earth, yup the very planet you live on. There are three words which start with the letter R which I love. They are: Reduce, reuse and recycle. Do you know why I love them so much? Because they are almost magical words. Together they can make all living things as well as myself be happier. I said that they are “almost” magical because without your help it won’t work, they need all of you children in order to do the trick. Each and every one of you are the real 3Rs magicians, those three words which can change the world.


Let your kids know more about recycling and what it is, give them what they need to know the importance of it. Recycling is very important and kids should understand from an early age that recycling could help them save the environment. The importance of recycling is something that we should be teaching the younger generation at a very early age. How to recycle, what is recycling and recycling projects for kids are all areas we should be getting involved in

Water pollution has become an increasing problem on our earth which is affecting human and animal lives. It occurs when chemicals, waste or other particles cause a body of water to become harmful for everybody. Water Pollution is the contamination of water bodies like rivers, lakes, oceans, groundwater and aquifers; generally as a result of human activities. Let’s Learn the Causes, Effects and Ways to Stop Water Pollution.


Air pollution is from the cutting of trees, burning of wood, burning of fossil fuels, smoke released from factories and industries, smoke released from vehicles, our air is getting polluted. Due to air pollution, animals and human beings suffer. Air pollution also affects the growth of plants. To reduce pollution, we should take some preventive measures: Plant more trees. Make more use of public transport. Service your vehicles regularly.

Take Action

  1. Use The Sun
  2. Reuse & Renew
  3. Plant A Tree
  4. Clean The Shore
  5. Save A Hive
  6. Keep And Fix
  7. Walk Not Driven
  8. Earth Is Great
  9. See The Signs
  10. Help A Friend

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